Monday, January 12, 2009


richmcflyy (9:06:15 PM):
Well just know that I care about you and I only hope for the best! me and you done argued and went at it and I ain't gob lie when I first met you it seemed like you was just this little men ass girl but I've neoticed that u got feelings too and ppl don't see that but I do. butfolks that hate u don't know you thy well and let themhate . but under all that mean-ness u got you're a rlly sweet person with a big heart ily cousinn :)

-- Only Shaun understands me. He's the best cousin in the world. No one ever appreciates the good in me, they only notice the bad. Everyone always has negative things to say about me. I know I have a fucked up past. But damn, allow me to change. It's straight though. I need no one but GOD to succeed in life. I got here on my own & I can get out of here on my own. Friends mean absolutely nothing to me at this point. All I have is me, myself, & I in the end. I've learned to become my own best friend. The END. =)

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